
이경혜 교수

전공세포생화학, 단백질대사
연락처 031-850-9052 khl@cha.ac.kr


  • 2001~2007 연세대학교 대학원 의과학 박사
  • 1998~2000 중앙대학교 대학원 생물학 석사
  • 1994~1998 중앙대학교 생물학 학사


  • 2019~ 현재 차 의과학대학교 바이오공학과 조교수
  • 2011~2019 경희대학교 의학과 연구교수
  • 2009~2011 연세대학교 노화과학대학원 연구교수
  • 2007~2009 연세대학교 노화과학대학원 박사후연구원

  • [대외활동]
  • 생화학분자생물학회 정회원


  • 자가포식 조절을 통한 심비대 및 심부전 치료 연구
  • 노화에서 인플라마좀 활성 역할 연구
  • 항암제 심독성 조절 연구

  • [논문 및 저서]
  • Hong HS, Kim S, Lee S, Woo JS, Lee KH, Cheng XW, Son Y, Kim W. Substance-P prevents cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury by modulating stem cell mobilization and causing early suppression of the injury-mediated inflammation. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. Cell Physiol and Biochem. 2019. 52(1):40-56.
  • Sim DS, Kim W, Lee KH, Song HC, Kim JH, Park DS, Lim KS, Woo JS, Hong YJ, Ahn Y, Hong HS, Son Y, Jeong MH. Cardioprotective Effect of Substance P in a Porcine Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2018. 271:228-232.
  • Jeong YM, Cheng XW, Lee SR, Lee KH, Cho H, Kang JH, Kim W. Preconditioning with far-infrared irradiation enhances proliferation, cell survial, and migration of rat bone marrow-derived stem cells via CXCR4-ERK pathway. Sci Rep. 2017. 7:13718.
  • Lee KH, Lee SR, Cho H, Woo JS, Kang JH, Jeong YM, Cheng XW, Kim WS, Kim W. Cardioprotective effects of PKG activation by soluble GC activator, BAY 60-2770, in ischemia-reperfusion-injured rat hearts. PLoS One. 2017. 12(7): e0180207.
  • Lee KH, Cho H, Lee S, Woo JS, Cho BH, Kang JH, Jeong YM, Cheng XW, Kim W. Enhanced-autophagy by exenatide mitigates doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Int J Cardiol. 2017. 232:40-47.
  • Lee KH, Ha SJ, Woo JS, Lee GJ, Lee SR, Kim JW, Park HK, Kim W. Exenatide Prevents Morphological and structural changes of mitochondria following ischemia-reperfusion injury. Heart Lung Circ. 2017. 26(5):519-523.
  • Jo A, Choi TG, Jo YH, Jyothi KR, Nguyen MN, Kim JH, Lim S, Shahid M, Akter S, Lee S, Lee KH, Kim W, Cho H, Lee J, Shokat KM, Yoon KS, Kang I, Ha J, Kim SS. Inhibition of carbonyl reductase 1 safely improves the efficacy of doxorubicin in breast cancer treatment. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2017. 26(2), 70-83.
  • Lee KH, Seo JW, Ho Lee S, Woo JS, Moon JY, Kim W. Effects of mycophenolate mofetil on diabetic cardiomyopathy in db/db mice. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2016. 69(4):449-150
  • Kim JB, Joung HJ, Lee JM, Woo JS, Kim WS, Kim KS, Lee KH, Kim W. Evaluation of the vascular protective effects of new oral anticoagulants in high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation (PREFER-AF): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016. 17(1):422.
  • Moon JY, Woo JS, Seo JW, Lee A, Kim DJ, Kim SY, Lee KH, Lim SJ, Cheng XW, Lee SH, Kim W. The dose-dependent organ-specific effects of a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor on cardiovascular complications in a model of type 2 diabetes. PLoS One. 2016. 11(3):e0150745.
  • Yoon KH, Lee SM, Park J, Leem J, Woo SJ, Lee SR, Lee KH, Lee S, Kim W. Comment on “Comparison of electroacupuncture in restrained and unrestrained rat models.” Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2016:2157158.
  • Kathy Lee SM, Yoon KH, Park J, Kim HS, Woo JS, Lee KH, Jang HH, Kim JB, Kim WS, Lee S, Kim W. Additional effects of back-shu electroacupuneture and moxibustion in cardioprotection of rat ischemia-reperfusion injury. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015:625645.
  • Lee S, Kim W, Park J, Jang HH, Lee SM, Woo JS, Kim HS, Lee KH, Kwon YJ, Lee U, Kim JB, Kim WS, Kim KS. Effects of electroacupuncture on endothelial function and circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with cerebral infarction. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2015. 42(8):822-827.
  • Hong SH, Jang HH, Lee SR, Lee KH, Woo JS, Kim JB, Kim WS, Min BI, Cho KH, Kim KS, Cheng X, Kim W. Impact of lysophosphatidylcholine on survival and function of UEA-1(+)acLDL(+)endothelial progenitor cells in patients with coronary artery disease. Heart Vessels. 2015. 30(1):115-125
  • Lee KH, Hwang SJ, Jang HH, Lee SR, Woo JS, Lee HJ, Jung KH, Kim W. Febuxostat contributes to improvement of endothelial dysfunction in an experimental model of streptozocin-induced diabetic rats. Int J Cardiol. 2014. 171(3):e110-112.
  • Lee KH, Kwon SJ, Woo SJ, Lee GJ, Lee SR, Jang HH, Kim HS, Kim JW, Park HK, Cho KS, Kim W. Effects of sildenafil on nanostructural and nanomechanical changes in mitochondria in an ischaemia-reperfusion rat model. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2014. 41(10):763-768.
  • Hwang SJ, Lee KH, Kim CS, Kim JY, Woo JS, Jang HH, Lee SR, Kim JB, Kim WS, Bae GN, Shin DC, Kim W. Endhothelial dysfunction in heart failure rats exposed to real urban air pollution. Int J Cardiol. 2014. 176(2):494-496
  • Kim M, Lee KH, Cheng X, Kim W. Angiopoietic-1 gene plasmid and bone marrow mononuclear cell transfer accelerates reendothelialization in rat carotid arteries after balloon injury. Int J Cardiol. 2013. 168(5): 5085-5086.
  • Kim SA, Lee KH, Won HY, Pak S, Chung JH, Jang Y, Ha JW. Quantitative assessment of aortic elasticity with aging using velocity-vector imaging and its histologic correlation Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2013. 33:1306-1312.
