Eunju Kang

Eunju Kang Professor

전공Stem Cell, Developmental Engineering, Immunocyte differentiation
연락처 031-881-7846


  • 국립경상대학교 수의과대학 수의학 (학사)
  • 국립경상대학교 수의과대학 수의산과학 (박사)


  • 2010-2013: Oregon Health & Science University 박사 후 연구원
  • 2013-2016: Oregon Health & Science University 선임 연구원
  • 2017-2021: 서울아산병원 줄기세포센터 조교수
  • 2021- 현재: 차의과학대학교 의생명과학과 부교수
  • 2021- 현재: 차의과학대학교/차종합연구원 실험동물센터 센터장
  • 2021- 현재: 차종합연구원 생식줄기세포연구센터 센터장


  • 차세대 보조생식기술 (ART) 개발
  • 고기능 체세포 복제 배아 줄기세포 개발
  • 전분화능 줄기세포 평가 플래폼 구축

  • [주요 연구논문]
  • De Novo Development of mtDNA Deletion Due to Decreased POLG and SSBP1 Expression in Humans. Genes. 2021 Feb 17;12(2):284 (교신)
  • Hepatogenic Potential and Liver Regeneration Effect of Human Liver-derived Mesenchymal-Like Stem Cells. Cells. 2020 Jun 22;9(6): E1521 (교신)
  • The Rho-associated kinase inhibitor fasudil can replace Y-27632 for use in human pluripotent stem cell research. PLoS One. 2020 May 12;15(5): e0233057 (교신)
  • Mitochondrial Genome Mutations in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Dental Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. BMB Rep. 2019 Dec; 52(12):689-694 (교신)
  • Reply to: Reversion after replacement of mitochondrial DNA. Nature. 2019 Oct 16;574(7778): E12-E13 (제1저자)
  • Stem cells and reproduction. BMB Rep. 2019 Aug;52(8):482-489 (교신)
  • Mitochondrial replacement in human oocytes carrying pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations. Nature. 2016 Dec 8;540(7632):270-275 (제1저자)
  • Age-Related Accumulation of Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Adult-Derived Human iPSCs. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 May 5, 18, 1–12 (제1저자)
  • Nuclear Reprogramming by Interphase Cytoplasm of 2-cell Mouse Embryos. Nature. 2014 May 1;509(7498):101-4 (제1저자)
  • Transplantation of porcine umbilical cord matrix mesenchymal stem cells in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2013 Mar; 7(3):169-82 (제1저자)
  • In vitro and in vivo osteogenesis of porcine skin-derived mesenchymal stem cell-like cells with a demineralized bone and fibrin glue scaffold. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010 Mar; 16(3):815-27 (제1저자)
