Yunjung Kang

Yunjung Kang Professor

전공Metabolism Biochemistry, Molecular Cell Biology
연락처 031-881-7174


  • University of Oxford, UK- DPhil, Clinical Medicine
  • Imperial College London, UK- MSc, Human Molecular Genetics
  • University College London, UK-BSc, Human Genetics


  • (현) 차의과학대학교, 의학전문대학원, 생화학교실, 조교수
  • (현) 차의과학대학교, 의생명과학과, 조교수
  • Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Postdoctoral Research Fellow


  • Development of in vitro model systems of embryo implantation
  • Understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of the initial interaction during implantation
  • Identifying new approaches to improve the endometrial receptivity during ART.
  • < Cancer Biology>
  • Characterizing nuclear PTEN as a therapeutic target in chemo- and radio-resistant cancer stem cells.
  • Identifying new therapeutic strategies to improve the efficacy of chemo- and radiotherapy in human cancers.
