Jihyung Jung

Jihyung Jung Professor

전공Protein Engineering and Molecular Design
연락처 031-881-7118 jhchung@cha.ac.kr


  • Ph.D. Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University (Molecular Structural Biology)
  • B.S. Department of Genetic Engineering, Suwon University (Life Science)

  • [Specialty]
  • Protein Engineering & Molecular Design
  • Molecular Biology & Biologics Discovery
  • Cell Communication & Biomolecular Dynamics
  • Evolutionary Psychology & Darwinism Biophilosophy


  • 2018~2021 Head, Start-up Support Foundation, CHA University
  • 2016~2017 Chair, Department of Biotechnology, CHA University
  • 2015~2017 Vice Provost, Office of Academic Affairs, CHA University
  • 2013~ Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, CHA University
  • 2012~2013 Associate Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Yonsei University
  • 2009~2012 Assistant Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Yonsei University
  • 2002~2009 Research Professor, Research Institute of Aging Science, Yonsei University
  • 2001~2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yonsei University
  • 1997~2001 Researcher, Structural Biology Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology


    [Lab Profile & Research Projects]

    Our laboratory is focusing on the understanding of the novel functions of intracellular proteins and underlying molecular mechanisms based on a protein engineering and structural information. In addition, we would like to extend the scientific knowledge in the laboratory to develop the druggable biomaterials using the rational molecular design technologies. Current projects are summarized as follows.

  • Development of valuable biomaterials using protein engineering and molecular design
  • Identification of novel functions and molecular mechanisms of intracellular proteins
  • Novel conceptual framework for exogenous protein delivery and degradation mechanism
  • Protein and peptide-based therapeutics targeting inflammatory pathway and vascular diseases
  • Discovery of innovative bioactive molecules for dermal regeneration and hair follicle
  • Proteome/metabolome-based translational study of aging and dementia in the field of biomarker discovery and potential drug targets

  • [Selected Publications]
  • Chung JH, Hwang KY, Kim SH, Han YS, Cho Y. Structure-based identification of a novel NTPase from Methanococcus jannaschii. Nature Structural Biology 6/7, 691-696.
  • Chung JH, Suh MJ, Park YI, Tainer JA, Han YS. Repair activities of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, a hyperthermophilic archaeon. Mutation Research 486/2, 99-111.
  • Chung JH, Back JH, Park YI, Han YS. Biochemical characterization of a novel hypoxanthine/xanthine dNTP pyrophosphatase from Methanococcus jannaschii. Nucleic Acids Research 29/14, 3099-3107.
  • Chung JH, Im EK, Park HY, Kwon JH, Lee S, Oh J, Hwang KC, Lee JH, Jang Y. A novel uracil-DNA glycosylase family related to helix-hairpin-helix of DNA glycosylases. Nucleic Acids Research 31/8, 2045-2055.
  • Back JH, Chung JH, Park YI, Kim KS, Han YS. Endonuclease IV enhances base excision repair of endonuclease III from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. DNA Repair 2/5, 455-470.
  • Shin HJ, Oh J, Kang SM, Lee JH, Shin MJ, Hwang KC, Jang Y, Chung JH. Leptin induces hypertrophy via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 329/1, 18-24.
  • Jeon O, Ryu SH, Chung JH, Kim BS. Control of basic fibroblast growth factor release from fibrin gel with heparin and concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin. Journal of Controlled Release 105/3, 249-259.
  • Jeon O, Kang SW, Lim HW, Chung JH, Kim BS. Long-term and zero-order release of basic fibroblast growth factor from heparin-conjugated poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanospheres and fibrin gel. Biomaterials 27/8, 1598-1607.
  • Jeon O, Kang SW, Lim HW, Choi DH, Kim DI, Lee SH, Chung JH, Kim BS. Synergistic effect of sustained delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor and bone marrow mononuclear cell transplantation on angiogenesis in mouse ischemic limbs. Biomaterials 27/8, 1617-1625.
  • Back JH, Chung JH, Park JH, Han YS. A versatile endonuclease IV involved in uracil-excision repair from Thermus thermophilus. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 346/3, 889-895.
  • Back JH, Park JH, Chung JH, Kim D, Han YS. A distinct TthMutY bifunctional glycosylase that hydrolyzes not only adenine but also thymine opposite 8-oxoguanine in the hyperthermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus. DNA Repair 5/8, 894-903.
  • Kwon JH, Kim JB, Lee KH, Kang SM, Chung N, Jang Y, Chung JH. Protective effect of heat shock protein 27 using protein transduction domain-mediated delivery on ischemia/reperfusion heart injury. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 363/2, 399-404.
  • Lee KS, Chung JH, Oh BH, Hong CH. Increased plasma levels of heat shock protein 70 in patients with vascular mild cognitive impairment. Neuroscience Letter 436/2, 223-226.
  • Lee KS, Chung JH, Lee KH, Shin MJ, Oh BH, Hong CH. Bioplex analysis of plasma cytokines in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Immunology Letter 121/2, 105-109.
  • Lee KS, Chung JH, Lee KH, Shin MJ, Oh BH, Hong CH. Plasma levels of monocyte chemotactic protein 3 and beta-nerve growth factor increase with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Cellular Molecular Immunology 6/2, 143-147.
  • Park MJ, Park JH, Hahm SH, Ko SI, Lee YR, Chung JH, Cho Y, Kang LW, Han YS. Repair activities of human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase are stimulated by the interaction with human checkpoint sensor Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 complex. DNA Repair 8/10, 1190-1200.
  • Lee KS, Chung JH, Lee KH, Shin MJ, Oh BH, Lee SH, Hong CH. Simultaneous measurement of 23 plasma cytokines in late-life depression. Neurological Science 30/5, 435-438.
  • Lee KS, Chung JH, Choi TK, Oh BH, Hong CH. Peripheral cytokines and chemokines in Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 28/4, 281-287.
  • Lee KS, Jang Y, Chung YK, Chung JH, Oh BH, Hong CH. Relationship between the diagnostic components of metabolic syndrome (MS) and cognition by ApoE genotype in the elderly. Archives of Gerontology Geriatrics 50/1, 69-72.
  • Lee YR, Park JH, Hahm SH, Kang LW, Chung JH, Nam KH, Hwang KY, Kwon IC, Han YS. Development of bimolecular fluorescence complementation using dronpa for visualization of protein-protein interactions in cells. Molecular Imaging Biology 12/5, 468-478.
  • Lee KH, Jang Y, Chung JH. Heat shock protein 90 regulates IkappaB kinase complex and NF-kappaB activation in angiotensin II-induced cardiac cell hypertrophy. Experimental Molecular Medicine 42/10, 703-711.
  • Chung JH, Im EK, Jin T, Lee SM, Kim SH, Choi EY, Shin MJ, Lee KH, Jang Y. Cathepsin L derived from skeletal muscle cells transfected with bFGF promotes endothelial cell migration. Experimental Molecular Medicine 43/4, 179-188.
  • Choi JW, Lee KH, Kim SH, Jin T, Lee BS, Oh J, Won HY, Kim S, Kang SM, Chung JH. C-reactive protein induces p53-mediated cell cycle arrest in H9c2 cardiac myocyte. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 410/3, 525-530.
  • Yang SW, Lee SM, Choi EY, Lee KH, Kim SH, Shin MJ, Han Y, Kang SM, Chung JH. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 induces cleavage of exogenous alphaB-crystallin transduced by a cell-penetrating peptide. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112/9, 2454-2462.
  • Jang KW, Lee KH, Kim SH, Jin T, Choi EY, Jeon HJ, Kim E, Han YS, Chung JH. Ubiquitin ligase CHIP induces TRAF2 proteasomal degradation and NF-κB inactivation to regulate breast cancer cell invasion. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112/12, 3612-3620.
  • Chung JH, Jeon HJ, Hong SY, Lee DL, Lee KH, Kim SH, Han YS, Manabe I, Miller YI, Lee SH. Palmitate promotes the paracrine effects of macrophages on vascular smooth muscle cells: the role of bone morphogenetic proteins. PLoS One 7/2, e29100.
  • Park H, Park S, Jeon HJ, Kim JB, Kim CS, Pak HN, Lee MH, Chung JH, Joung B. Alpha B-crystallin prevents the arrhythmogenic effects of particulate matter isolated from ambient air by attenuating oxidative stress. Toxicology Applied Pharmacology 266/2, 267-275.
  • Kim SA, Lee KH, Won HY, Pak S, Chung JH, Jang Y, Ha JW. Quantitative assessment of aortic elasticity with aging using velocity-vector imaging and its histologic correlation. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology 33/6, 1306-1312.
  • Lee D, Lee KH, Park H, Kim SH, Jin T, Cho S, Chung JH, Lim S, Park S. The Effect of Soluble RAGE on Inhibition of Angiotensin II-mediated Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E deficient mice. PLoS One 8/8, e69669.
  • Lee BS, Kim SH, Oh J, Jin T, Choi EY, Park S, Lee SH, Chung JH, Kang SM. C-reactive protein inhibits survivin expression via Akt/mTOR pathway downregulation by PTEN expression in H9c2 cardiac myocytes. PLoS One 9/5, e98113.
  • Agustina L, Hahm SH, Han SH, Tran AH, Chung JH, Park JH, Park JW, Han YS. Visualization of the physical and functional interaction between hMYH and hRad9 by Dronpa bimolecular fluorescence complementation. BMC Molecular Biology 15/1, 17.
  • Jin T, Kim OY, Shin MJ, Choi EY, Lee SS, Han YS, Chung JH. Fisetin Upregulates the Expression of Adiponectin in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes via the Activation of SIRT1-Deacetylase and PPARs. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 62/43, 10468-10474.
  • Park H, Park H, Hwang HJ, Hwang HS, Kim H, Choi BR, Pak HN, Lee MH, Chung JH, Joung B. Alpha B-crystallin prevents ventricular arrhythmia by attenuating inflammation and oxidative stress in rat with autoimmune myocarditis. International Journal of Cardiology 182/C, 399-402.
  • Son SJ, Lee KS, Chung JH, Chang KJ, Roh H, Kim SH, Jin T, Baek JH, Kim HJ, Lee YH, Choi SH, Noh JS, Lim KY, Chung YK, Oh BH, Hong CH. Increased plasma levels of heat shock protein 70 associated with subsequent clinical conversion to mild cognitive impairment in cognitively healthy elderly. PLoS One 10/3, e0119180.
  • Ann SJ, Chung JH, Park BH, Kim SH, Jang J, Park S, Kang SM, Lee SH. PPAR agonists inhibit inflammatory activation of macrophages through upregulation of defensin 1. Atherosclerosis 240/2, 389-397.
  • Vy Tran AH, Hahm SH, Han SH, Chung JH, Park GT, Han YS. Functional interaction between hMYH and hTRADD in the TNF-mediated survival and death pathways of HeLa cells. Mutation Research 777, 11-19.
  • Lee BS, Oh J, Kang SK, Park S, Lee SH, Choi D, Chung JH, Chung YW, Kang SM. Insulin Protects cardiac myocytes from doxorubicin toxicity by Sp1-mediated transactivation of survivin. PLoS One 10/8, e01354380.
  • Han SH, Hahm SH, Tran AH, Chung JH, Hong MK, Paik HD, Kim KS, Han YS. A physical association between the human mutY homolog (hMYH) and DNA topoisomerase II-binding protein 1 (hTopBP1) regulates Chk1-induced cell cycle arrest in HEK293 cells. Cell & Bioscience 5, 50.
  • Byun SH, Lee JH, Jung NC, Choi HJ, Song JY, Seo HG, Choi J, Jung SY, Kang S, Choi YS, Chung JH, Lim DS. Rosiglitazone-mediated dendritic cells ameliorate collagen-induced arthritis in mice. Biochemical Pharmacology 115, 85-93.
  • Lee HJ, Moon J, Chung I, Chung JH, Park C, Lee JO, Han JA, Kang MJ, Yoo EH, Kwak SY, Jo G, Park W, Park J, Kim KM, Lim S, Ngoei KRW, Ling NXY, Oakhill JS, Galic S, Murray-Segal L, Kemp BE, Mantzoros CS, Krauss RM, Shin MJ, Kim HS. ATP synthase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1), a novel myokine, regulates glucose metabolism by AMPK and Akt dual pathways. FASEB Journal 33/12, 14825-14840.
  • Kang D, Shin JI, Kim JB, Lee K, Chung JH, Yang HW, Kim KN, Han YS. Detection of 8-oxoguanine and apurinic/apyrimidinic sites using a fluorophore-labeled probe with cell-penetrating ability. BMC Molecular Cell Biology 20/1, 54.
  • Moon J, Ha MJ, Shin MJ, Kim OY, Yoo EH, Song J, Chung JH. Semen Cuscutae administration improves hepatic lipid metabolism and adiposity in high fat diet-induced obese mice. Nutrients 11/12, 3035.
  • Oh J, Lee BS, Lim G, Lim H, Lee CJ, Park S, Lee SH, Chung JH, Kang SM. Atorvastatin protects cardiomyocyte from doxorubicin toxicity by modulating survivin expression through FOXO1 inhibition. Journal of Molecular Cellular Cardiology 138, 244-255.
  • Kwak SY, Chung I, Kang J, Perakakis N, Yoo EH, Lee J, Jung HT, Mun BR, Choi WS, Kim OY, Kim S, Kim EK, Oh H, Mantzoros CS, Chung JH, Kim HS, Shin MJ. Sex specific effect of ATPase inhibitory factor 1 on body weight: studies in high fat diet induced obese mice and genetic association studies in humans. Metabolism 105:154171.
  • Nam YJ, Lee EY, Choi EJ, Kang S, Kim J, Choi YS, Kim DH, An JH, Han I, Lee S, Lee MH, Kim YH, Chung JH. CRH receptor antagonists from Pulsatilla chinensis prevent CRH-induced premature catagen transition in human hair follicles. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 19/11, 3058-3066.
  • Lee JO, Byun WS, Kang MJ, Han JA, Moon J, Shin MJ, Lee HJ, Chung JH, Lee JS, Son CG, Song KH, Kim TW, Lee ES, Kim HM, Chung CH, Ngoei KRW, Ling NXY, Oakhill JS, Galic S, Murray-Segal L, Kemp BE, Kim KM, Lim S, Kim HS. The myokine meteorin-like (metrnl) improves glucose tolerance in both skeletal muscle cells and mice by targeting AMPKα2. FEBS Journal 287/10, 2087-2104.
  • Lee EY, Nam YJ, Kang S, Choi EJ, Han I, Kim J, Kim DH, An JH, Lee S, Lee MH, Chung JH. The local hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in cultured human dermal papilla cells. BMC Molecular Cell Biology 21, 42.
  • Kwak SY, Seo IH, Chung I, Kim SA, Lee JO, Lee HJ, Kim SE, Han JA, Kang MJ, Kim SJ, Lim S, Kim KM, Chung JH, Lim E, Hwang JI, Kim HS, Shin MJ. Effect of chitinase-3-like protein 1 on glucose metabolism: In vitro skeletal muscle and human genetic association study. FASEB Journal 34/10, 13445-13460.
  • Shin J, Kang DM, Yoo J, Heo J, Jeong K, Chung JH, Han YS, Kim S. Superoxide-responsive fluorogenic molecular probes for optical bioimaging of neurodegenerative events in Alzheimer’s disease. Analyst 146/15, 4748-4755.
  • Chung I, Kim SA, Kim S, Lee JO, Park CY, Lee J, Kang J, Lee JY, Seo I, Lee HJ, Han JA, Kang MJ, Lim E, Kim SJ, Wu SW, Oh JY, Chung JH, Kim EK, Kim HS, Shin MJ. Biglycan reduces body weight by regulating food intake in mice and improves glucose metabolism through AMPK/AKT dual pathways in skeletal muscle. FASEB Journal 35/8, e21794.
