Introduction to Major – Applied Biotechnology

Grade Semester Course Name Module Name Category Credit Course Overview
2 1 Occupational Ability and Career Strategy Career Course Elective 1 To foster ability to pursue career by setting own career based on career exploration process, planning studies, and developing career skills.
2 1 Biochemistry Basic Life Science Elective 3 To understand types and characteristics of biomolecules composing living organisms and identify the relationship between structure and function of biological phenomenon. To understand energy and material metabolism of biological phenomenon and learn regulation methods.
2 1 Cell Biology Basic Life Science Elective 3 To learn general structure of the cell, which is the basic unit of living organisms, production, death, and related physiological metabolism of each cell organell , and characteristics of mutual relationship between organells and surrounding microenvironment.
2 1 Cell Biology Lab Life Science Lab Elective 2 To conduct experiments on immunofluorescence staining, which is one of the fundamental techniques, and learn types of cells composing brain and their roles.
2 1 Biochemistry Lab Life Science Lab Elective 2 To understand theories and methods of basic experimental methods used in biochemistry. To conduct lab practices, learn how to use mechanical instruments, and learn how to interpret results to enhance understanding of biochemistry. To separate RNA and proteins from cells or tissues, and conduct an analysis method using quantitative and analysis equipment.
2 1 Analytical Chemistry Biomedicine Analysis Elective 3 Material analysis is a process of detecting and confirming substances and identifying their chemical composition (qualitative+quantitative analysis). In this course, students will learn the process of chemical analysis and basic analytical techniques using basic chemical knowledge.
2 1 Biomedicine Biomedicine Design Elective 3 To understand difference between synthetic drug and biomedicine, R&D process of biomedicine, and types and characteristics of biomedicine.
2 1 Bio Lab Biomedicine Engineering Lab Elective 2 This course is designed to improve practical skills of students, and it aims to enhance understanding of experiments conducted in actual research and to improve work skills.
2 1 Food Chemistry R&D on Food Science and Biotechnology Elective 3 To learn chemical and physical properties of food components, including water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To learn food reaction and roles, protein and enzymatic reaction in protein and food as essential food component, and taste, scent, color, and component of vitamin, mineral, and food.
2 1  Molecular Nutrition & Physiology R&D on Food Science and Biotechnology Elective 3 To enhance basic understanding on metabolic process in food absorption and understand basic physiological activities in body.
2 1 Food Analysis and Lab Biomedicine Engineering Lab Elective 4 To learn theories and experimental methods for basic food analysis, related theories, solution preparation, concentration coefficient, neutralization, redox titration, dust spot method, and other methods for analyzing main food components.
2 2 Bio Entrepreneurship Seminars Career Course Elective
2 2 Microbiology Basic Life Science Elective 3 To learn history of microbiology, structure and function of cells, in-depth content on metabolism and growth of microorganisms, molecular biology of bacteria, and eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms.
2 2 Molecular Biology Basic Life Science Elective 3 To learn structure and properties of nucleic acids, which is the basic biological phenomenon, structure and function of proteins, structure and form of the genome, gene replication, repair, and recombination mechanisms. To learn regulatory mechanism for characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryote for transcription, RNA processing, and translation, learn the latest molecular biology research methods and information.
2 2 Microbiology Lab Life Science Lab Elective 2 To test theories from microbiology through experiments.
2 2 Instrumental Analysis Biomedicine Analysis Elective 3 To learn principles, equipment, measurement methods, and analysis examples by focusing on analytical instruments mainly used in the industrial field.
2 2 Animal Cell Culture Engineering Biomedicine Design Elective 3 To learn basic theories and applications of animal cell culture, learn basic theories of cryopreservation, thawing, culture, transformation, and protein production of animal cells, and learn the most fundamental materials for development and production of biomedicines.
2 2 Biostatistics R&D on Food Science and Biotechnology Elective 3 To learn statistical probability concepts, variables, distribution, sampling, and sampling distribution necessary in biological data analysis and learn practical data analysis techniques using statistical programs by focusing on understanding statistical concepts.
2 2 Molecular Biology Lab Biomedicine Engineering Lab Elective 2 To learn structure and properties of nucleic acids, which is the basic biological phenomenon, structure and function of proteins, structure and form of the genome, gene replication, repair, and recombination mechanisms. To learn regulatory mechanism for characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryote for transcription, RNA processing, and translation, learn the latest molecular biology research methods and information.
2 2 Food Chemistry Lab Food Science and Biotechnology Lab Elective 2 Food chemistry analysis aims to learn principles and mechanism of qualitative (to identify substance property) and quantitative analysis (to analyze component quantity) of food components, including moisture, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. In this course, students will understand basic food components, learn analytical mechanisms and techniques, and foster ability to utilize them at actual field as a food engineering major.
2 2 Instrumental Analysis and Lab Food Science and Biotechnology Lab Elective 3 To learn theories and practices of instrumental food analysis by focusing on liquid chromatography and gas chromatography.
2 2 Food Chemistry Lab Food Science and Biotechnology Lab Elective 2 Food chemistry analysis aims to learn principles and mechanism of qualitative (to identify substance property) and quantitative analysis (to analyze component quantity) of food components, including moisture, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. In this course, students will understand basic food components, learn analytical mechanisms and techniques, and foster ability to utilize them at actual field as a food engineering major.
2 2 Food Microbiology Lab Food Science and Biotechnology Lab Elective 2 To learn basic knowledge of food microorganisms through theories, practices, and experiments on food microorganism (yeast, bacteria) isolation, identification, microscopic observation, biochemical and genetic characteristics.
3 1 Immunology Basic Life Science Elective 3 To learn basic immunology for life science majors, learn basic knowledge necessary in advanced immunology for graduate school applicants, and learn advanced immunology necessary in fields for immunity-related job applicants.
3 1 Bioindustry Bioindustry Asset Convergence Elective 3
3 1 Bioindustry Intellectual Property Right Bioindustry Asset Convergence Elective 3 To understand purpose and intention bioindustrial property rights, learn patent system and patent information utilization methods, learn theories on understanding industrial property right system, learn theories on understanding and utilize patent information to practice use of patent information in actual research field.
3 1 Integrated Biodesign and Patent Bioindustry Asset Convergence Elective 2 To understand and utilize creative thinking techniques and apply them to engineering problem solving. In this course, students will work on results of creative design (invention) its patent conditions to learn and practice intellectual property right.
3 1 Biomedicine Nano Analysis Biomedicine Analysis Elective 3 To foster overall knowledge on biomedical analysis methods and verification processes applied with nanotechnology.
3 1 Protein Engineering Biomedicine Design Elective 3 In this course, students will understand biochemical property and structure of protein in molecular level, consider structure, functional relationship, and interaction between protein inside and outside cells in terms of network, utilize biomedical protein database and program, and discuss the recent information and technology on protein engineering and molecular design.
3 1 Bio Non-Clinical Test Biomedicine Manufacturing Elective 3 To develop general knowledge on non-clinical test management standards, test process, result reliability, and reporting process.
3 1 Sensory Food Science and Lab Health Functional Food Convergence Elective 3 Sensory test measures, analyzes, and interprets the responses sensed by sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing in the characteristics of food and substances. This course provides theories and practices of sensory test to investigate any change in sensory characteristics in raw material inspection step, production step, final product inspection, shelf-life, and distribution process ensure stable product quality for customers. In this course, students will understand theories and techniques of sensory test for new food product development, product improvement, raw/subsidiary material replacement, and manufacturing process and method improvement and apply them to actual industrial field as a food engineer.
3 1 Food Microbiome R&D on Food Science and Biotechnology Elective 3 Microorganisms exist as microbial community rather than as single microorganism in various environments, microorganisms mutually interact with each other in order to interact with environment and play their roles. Therefore, microbial studies are converting from monomicrobial physiological activity to microbial community. This course aims to introduce functions of microbial community in various environments.
3 1 Food Hygiene Regulation Food Hygiene Control Elective 3 To prevent possible hygiene hazards and improve food nutrition quality in all processes, including food manufacturing, storage, distribution, and cooking, it is necessary to provide correct food information. In this course, students will understand and apply the regulations and laws for efficient management and supervision in food industry environment.
3 1 Food Pathogenic Microorganism Food Hygiene Control Elective 3 Microorganisms in food reduce the value of food as pathogens or putrefactive bacteria, and they play important roles in production of useful resources, such as fermentation microorganism. In this course, students will understand overall characteristics of main pathogenic microorganisms in food industry.
3 1 Food Processing Food Manufacturing and Processing Elective 3 In this course, students will conduct experiments on processed food to foster basic knowledge as a field professional. The students will learn inspection, preprocessing, and processing methods of raw materials used in agricultural, livestock, and fishery processing, mechanism of each process, change in processing process, and quality inspection methods.
3 1 Food Engineering Food Manufacturing and Processing Elective 3 Food engineering covers equipment knowledge of principles and physical and mechanical operations used in food processing. This course is divided into Part I and Part II, and students will understand engineering principles in food processing process, their importance, and their applications.
3 1 Food Packaging Food Manufacturing and Processing Elective 3 In this course, students will foster food industry field-related practical skills by learning basic food packaging theory (packaging material, packaging technique) and food packaging techniques for each food material and type.
3 1 Immune Antibody Engineering Lab Biomedicine Engineering Lab Elective 2 Antibody engineering is a technology of creating new antibody protein by manipulating antibody genes. In this course, students will learn B cell immunity, antigen-antibody reaction, antibody structure, antibody drug development status, and immuno-antibody experiment techniques, and conduct main experiments necessary for disease diagnosis and drug development.
3 2 Chemical Analysis Lab Biomedicine Analysis Elective 2 This course requires General Chemistry, Analytic Chemistry, and Instrumental Analysis as prerequisites. In this course, students will enhance job competence as an expert specialized in quality control and quality assurance in pharmaceutical/chemical/food industry, and learn practical skills necessary for a chemical analysis expert.
3 2 Biomedicine Quality Analysis Biomedicine Analysis Elective 2
3 2 Biomimetic Engineering Biomedicine Design Elective 3 To study human physiology for heart chips, brain chips, liver chips, and other biomimetic chips, study organoids, and learn basics of nano/micro structure technology and applied technology for biomimicry.
3 2 Protein Expression and Purification Biomedicine Manufacturing Elective 3 To foster knowledge of protein expression and purification processes, which plays a huge role in biomedicinal materials.
3 2 Biological Drug Quality Control GMP Biomedicine Manufacturing Elective 3 To learn theories to understand biomedicine industry field practices.
3 2 Fermented Foods Health Functional Food Convergence Elective 3 To learn overview of fermented food using microorganisms.
3 2 Functional Food Materials Health Functional Food Convergence Elective 3 To understand industrial development and applications of various food functional materials.
3 2 Food Toxicology Food Hygiene Control Elective 3 Food toxicology studies the risk of substances, especially chemical substances, in food. Toxicology is the study of exogenous substance’s harmful effects on biological tissues, and it is an applied study on harmful substance identification, risk assessment, substance absorption, metabolism, and excretion. In this course, students will learn adverse effect, mechanism, degree and type of toxicity, etc., exposed to human body due to food intake and environment (chemical substance, microorganism, etc.).
3 2 Food Hygiene and Safety Food Hygiene Control Elective 3 To understand fundamental and broad theories on environmental pollution of food, safety management items, food hygiene regulation, and food additive.
3 2 Food Storage Food Manufacturing and Processing Elective 3 To foster knowledge on food manufacturing, processing, and management.
3 2 Stem Cell Engineering Lab Biomedicine Engineering Lab Elective 2 To conduct experimental methods related to stem cell culture and therapy drug development and learn shape and characteristics of stem cells and differentiated cells. To conduct an experiment on immunofluorescence staining, among fundamental experiment techniques, to learn the characteristics and roles of stem cells.
3 2 식품가공학실험 식품생명공학 실습 전공선택 2 본 강좌에서는 농산가공. 축산가공. 수산가공에 관련되는 원료의 검사, 전처리, 가공방법, 각 공정별 원리, 가공과정 중 변화 및 품질검사요령에 대해 식품가공산업에서 가장 중요한 가공식품을 실험 중심으로 실습하여 현장전문가로서 기본지식을 함양한다.
4 To be Decided Life Science Capstone Design Ⅰ Life Science Lab Elective 2 To foster creativity and practical skills based on major courses and theories by planning projects and building up comprehensive problem-solving skills.
4 To be Decided Life Science Capstone Design Ⅱ Life Science Lab Elective 2 To foster creativity and practical skills based on major courses and theories by planning projects and building up comprehensive problem-solving skills.
4 To be Decided Life Science Capstone Design Ⅲ Life Science Lab Elective 2 To foster creativity and practical skills based on major courses and theories by planning projects and building up comprehensive problem-solving skills.
4 To be Decided Life Science Capstone Design Ⅳ Life Science Lab Elective 2 To foster creativity and practical skills based on major courses and theories by planning projects and building up comprehensive problem-solving skills.
4 To be Decided Applied Biological Science Lab I Life Science Lab Elective 6 This course is designed for CHA graduate school applicants. The students will work on own project throughout second semester of adviser’s lab in advance to enhance research skills.
4 To be Decided Applied Biological Science Lab II Life Science Lab Elective 6 This course is designed for CHA graduate school applicants. The students will work on own project throughout second semester of adviser’s lab in advance to enhance research skills.
4 To be Decided Functional Foods Health Functional Food Convergence Elective 3 To learn basic and broad scientific knowledge on food function and Korean health functional food-related knowledge to be prepared for era that develops and supplies functional food customized for individual’s genetic characteristics, age, gender, job, and living environment in near future.
4 To be Decided Product Planning and Marketing Health Functional Food Convergence Elective 3  In this course, students will learn knowledge of new product design development process and marketing strategy establishment from practical aspect. It aims to help students experience integrated process for developing food company’s new product and establishing marketing strategy for the product.
4 To be Decided Biology Insights Bioindustry Asset Convergence Elective 3  Biology insights approach biological phenomenon, covering from living organism to Earth and ecosystem, based on molecular mechanism through life-humanities-philosophical discussion. In this course, students will contemplate on existence of living organism, foster ability to design future, and think the composition of living organisms and their true roles in the universe.
4 To be Decided Biomedicine Manufacturing Lab Biomedicine Manufacturing Elective 3 To learn biomedical understanding, development, and permission, cGMP manufacturing, manufacturing environment, hygiene control, quality control, quality assurance, recent biomedicine manufacturing, management, and guidelines in Korea and overseas through field practice.
4 To be Decided Food Bioinformatics R&D on Food Science and Biotechnology Elective 3 To learn necessity of bioinformatics, fundamental methodology, and utilize analytical tools to foster ability to analyze life science-related data.
4 To be Decided Food Quality Control Food Manufacturing and Processing Elective 3 To understand standard, criteria, and quality of food made of various food materials and learn related quality control methods. To learn raw food material’s physical and chemical characteristic, quality change in production, distribution, and storage, and problem-solving method.
4 To be Decided Food Production and Management Lab Food Science and Biotechnology Lab Elective 3 To foster practical skills through field practice on production and management in food industry.
Integrated Biodesign and Patent Bioindustry Asset Convergence Elective