Jihwan Song

Jihwan Song Professor

전공Developmental Biology, Stem Cell Biology
연락처 031-881-7140 jsong@cha.ac.kr


  • 1985.3~1989.2 연세대학교 생물학과 (이학사), Bachelor of Science, Department of Biology, Yonsei University, Korea
  • 1989.3~1991.2 연세대학교 대학원 생물학과 동물발생학 전공 (이학석사), Master of Science, Department of Biology, Graduate School, Yonsei University, Korea
  • 1992.10~1995.12 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 동물학과 발생생물학 전공 (이학박사), Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
  • 1996.1~1996.8 MIT, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Researc, USA (Postdoc)
  • 1996.9~1998.11 Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Cardiovascular Research Center, USA (Postdoc)
  • 1998.12~1999.12 University of California-Irvine, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, USA (Postdoc)
  • 2000.1~2000.9 Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, USA (Instructor)
  • 2000.10~2017.2 차 의과학대학교 생리학교실 및 의생명과학과 (조교수, 부교수, 교수), Professor, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, and Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University, Korea
  • 2017.3~ 차 의과학대학교 의생명과학과 교수, Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University, Korea


  • 주요 직책 (현재) (Extramural Duties}
  • 한국줄기세포학회 (KSSCR) 학술위원, 편집위원, Academic and Publications Committee, Korean Society for Stem Cell Research
  • 한국줄기세포학회 (KSSCR) 국제위원장, International Secretary, Korean Society for Stem Cell Research
  • KoNSCRT (미래부 줄기세포원천기술확보 촉진지원사업) 기술위원, Technology Committee, Korea Network for Stem Cell Research and Tech development (KoNSCRT)
  • 한국보건산업진흥원 (KHIDI) 줄기세포분야 PM 자문위원, PM Operation Committee (Stem Cells), Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI)
  • 한국인 다빈도 HLA 유도만능줄기세포주 구축사업 컨소시엄 (Korea HLA-typed iPSC Banking) (KHIB) 책임자, Executive Director, Core Facility for Korea HLA-typed iPSC Banking (KHIB)
  • 국제 임상등급 iPSC 뱅킹 컨소시엄 (Global Alliance for iPSC Therapies Ltd) (GAiT) 이사 및 한국 대표, Director and Korean Representative, Global Alliance for iPSC Therapies Ltd.
  • 2019 ISSCR/KSSCR International Symposium 한국개최 조직위원장, Chairman of Organizing Committee for 2019 ISSCR/KSSCR International Symposium


  • Jeon I, Cicchetti F, Cisbani G, Lee N, Li E, Lee S, Choi W, Li L, Im W, Kim M, Kim HS, Oh SH, Ko JJ, Kim TA, Aub B, Oueslati A, Kim YJ and Song J (2016) Human-to-mouse prion-like propagation of mutant huntingtin protein. Acta Neuropathologica 132(4): 577-592.
  • Bae J, Lee N, Choi W, Lee S, Ko JJ, Han BS, Lee SC, Jeon NL, Song J (2016) Use of Microfluidic Technology to Monitor the Differentiation and Migration of Human ESC-Derived Neural Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 1502: 223-235.
  • Choi C, Oh SH, Noh JE, Jeong YW, Kim S, Ko JJ, Kim OJ and Song J (2016) Attenuation of post-ischemic genomic alteration by mesenchymal stem cells: a microarray study. Molecules and Cells 39(4): 337-344.
  • Oh SH, Choi C, Chang DJ, Shin DA, Lee N, Jeon I, Sung JH, Lee H, Hong KS, Ko JJ and Song J (2015) Early neuroprotective effect with lack of long-term cell replacement effect on experimental stroke after intra-arterial transplantation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Cytotherapy 17(8): 1090-1103.
  • Kim HS and Song J (2015) Cell therapy in Huntington’s disease. InTech-Progress in Stem Cell Transplantation. ISBN 978-953-51-4235-5 (Edited by Demirer T), pp76-109.
  • Lee N, Park JW, Kim HJ, Yeon JH, Kwon J, Ko JJ, Oh SH, Kim HS, Kim A, Han BS, Lee SC, Jeon NL and Song J (2014) Monitoring the differentiation and migration patterns of neural cells derived from human embryonic stem cells using microfluidic culture system. Molecules and Cells 37(6): 497-502.
  • eon I, Choi C, Lee N, Im W, Kim M, Oh SH, Park IH, Kim HS and Song J (2014) In vivo roles of a patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line (HD72-iPSC) in the YAC128 model of Huntington’s disease. International Journal of Stem Cells 7(1): 43-47.
  • Chang DJ, Oh SH, Lee N, Choi C, Jeon I, Kim HS, Shin DA, Lee SE, Kim D and Song J (2013) Contralaterally transplanted human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursor cells (ENStem-A) migrate and improve brain functions in stroke-damaged rats. Experimental & Molecular Medicine 2013 Nov 15;45:e53. doi: 10.1038/emm.2013.93.
  • Chang DJ, Lee N, Park IH, Choi C, Jeon I, Kwon J, Oh SH, Shin DA, Do JT, Lee DR, Lee H, Moon H, Hong KS, Daley GQ and Song J (2013) Therapeutic potential of human induced pluripotent stem cells in experimental stroke. Cell Transplantation 22(8):1427-1440.
  • Chang DJ, Lee N, Choi C, Jeon I, Oh SH, Shin DA, Hwang TS, Lee HJ, Kim SU, Moon H, Hong KS, Kang KS and Song J (2013) Therapeutic effect of BDNF-overexpressing human neural stem cells (HB1.F3.BDNF) in a rodent model of middle cerebral artery occlusion. Cell Transplantation 22(8):1441-1452.
  • Moon SH, Kim DK, Cha Y, Jeon I, Song J* and Park KS* (2013) PI3K/Akt and Stat3 signaling regulated by PTEN control cancer stem cell population, proliferation and senescence in the glioblastoma cell line. International Journal of Oncology 42(3):921-928. (*Co-corresponding author)
  • An SA, Kim J, Kim OJ, Kim JK, Kim NK, Song J, and Oh SH (2013) Limited clinical value of multiple blood markers in the diagnosis of ischemic stroke. Clinical Biochemistry. 46:710-715.
  • Park SY, Kim J, Kim OJ, Kim JK, Song J, Shin DA, and Oh SH (2013) Predictive value of circulating interleukin-6 and heart-type fatty acid binding protein for 3 months clinical outcome in acute cerebral infarction: multiple blood markers profiling study. Critical Care 17(2):R45.
  • Park KS, Cha Y, Kim CH, Ahn HJ, Kim D, Ko S, Kim KH, Chang MY, Ko JH, Noh YS, Han YM, Kim JH, Song J, Kim JY, Tesar PJ, Lanza R, Lee KA and Kim KS (2013) Transcription elongation factor Tcea3 regulates the pluripotent differentiation potential of embryonic stem cells, via the Lefty1-Nodal-Smad2 pathway. Stem Cells 31(2):282-292.
  • Cha Y, Heo SH, Ahn HJ, Yang SK, Song J, Suh W and Park KS (2013) Tcea3 regulates the vascular differentiation potential of mouse embryonic stem cells. Gene Expression 16(1):25-30.
  • Ha SM, Kim JH, Oh SH, Song J, Kim HI, Shin DA (2013) Vertebral distraction during anterior cervical discectomy and fusion causes postoperative neck pain. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 53(5):288-292.
  • Jeon I, Lee N, Li JY, Park IH, Park S, Moon J, Shim SH, Choi C, Chang DJ, Kwon J, Oh SH, Shin DA, Kim HS, Do JT, Lee DR, Kim M, Kang KS, Daley GQ, Brundin P* and Song J* (2012) Neural properties, in vivo effects and pathology of a Huntington’s disease patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells 30(9):2054-2062. (*Co-corresponding author)
  • Chae JI, Kim DW, Lee N, Jeon YJ, Jeon I, Kwon J, Kim J, Soh Y, Lee DS, Seo KS, Park BC, Ryu J, Oh SH, Shin DA, Lee DR, Do JT, Park IH, Daley GQ and Song J (2012) Quantitative proteomic analysis of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a human Huntington’s disease patient. Biochemical Journal 446(3):359-371.
  • Jung JE, Moon SH, Kim DK, Choi C, Song J. and Park KS (2012) Sprouty1 regulates neural and endothelial differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells and Development 21(4): 554-561.
  • Chang DJ, Moon H, Lee YH, Lee N, Lee HJ, Jeon I, Hwang TS, Oh SH, Shin DA, Kim SU, Hong KS and Song J (2012) In vivo tracking of human neural stem cells following transplantation into a rodent model of ischemic stroke. International Journal of Stem Cells 5(1): 81-85.
  • Kwon J, Lee N, Jeon I, Lee HJ, Do JT, Lee DR, Oh SH, Shin DA, Kim A and Song J (2012) Neuronal differentiation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (FS-1) derived from newborn foreskin fibroblasts. International Journal of Stem Cells 5(2): 140-145.
  • Oh SH, Kim OJ, Shin DA, Song J, Yoo H, Kim YK and Kim JK (2012) Alteration of immunologic responses on peripheral blood in the acute phase of ischemic stroke: Blood genomic profiling study. Journal of Neuroimmunology 249(1):60-65.
  • Um JW, Park HJ, Song J, Jeon I, Lee G, Lee PH and Chung KC (2010) Formation of Parkin aggregates and enhanced PINK1 accumulation during the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 393(4): 824-828.
  • Song J*, Kim OJ*, Kim HS, Bae SJ, Hong SP, Oh D and Kim NK (2010) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms and the risk of silent brain infarction. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 25:819-823. (*Co-first author)
  • Lee N, Choi C, Jeon I and Song J (2009) Differentiation of GABAergic neurons from human embryonic stem cells. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 6(14): 1359-1365.
  • Kim J, Yoon H, Lee SE, Kang WS, Jeon I, Chang DJ, Lee N, Hwang T, Shin WS, Lee HW, Lee ST and Song J (2008) Dynamic expression of PTK7 protein in adult mouse tissues. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 5(4~6): 885-888.
  • Kim D and Song J (2008) Stem cell tracking using magnetic resonance imaging. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 5(3): 420-424.
  • Lee SE, Park M, Lee N, Chun B, Choi SJ, and Song J (2008) Stable generation of neural precursor cells from human embryonic stem cells. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 5(2): 248-252.
  • Kim D, Chun B, Kim YK, Lee YH, Park CS, Jeon I, Cheong C, Hwang TS, Chung H, Gwag BJ, Hong KS and Song, J (2008) In vivo tracking of human mesenchymal stem cells in experimental stroke. Cell Transplantation 16(10): 1007-1012.
  • Song J, Lee ST, Kang W, Park EJ, Chu K, Lee S, Hwang T, Chung H and Kim M. (2007) Human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursor transplants attenuate apomorphine-induced rotational behavior in rats with unilateral quinolinic acid lesions. Neuroscience Letters 423: 58-61.
  • Kim D, Hong KS and Song J (2007) The present status of cell tracking methods in animal models using magnetic resonance imaging technology. Molecules and Cells 23(2): 132-137.
  • Hwang TS, Song J, Yoon H, Cho BP and Kang HS (2005) Morphometry of the nasal bones and piriform apertures in Koreans. Annals of Anatomy 187:411-414.
  • Lee KJ, Choi SJ, Kim J, Park JK, Kang WS, Park KH, Kim S, Moon SY, Chung HM, Hwang TS and Song J (2004) Neuronal differentiation of human ES cells by co-culturing with PA6 stromal cells. Korean Journal of Genetics 26(2): 185-192.
  • Hwang TS* and Song J (2004) Morphometrical changes of the human uterine tubes according to aging and menstrual cycle. Annals of Anatomy 186: 263-269.
  • Jung JW, Shin WS and Song J*, Lee ST* (2004) Cloning and characterization of the full-length mouse Ptk7 cDNA encoding a defective receptor protein tyrosine kinase. Gene 328: 75-84. (*Co-corresponding author)
  • Park JK, Yim SB and Song J (2004) Controlling the gene expression of Corynebacterium diphtheria toxin-A using the Tet-on system in mouse embryonic stem cells. Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 32(1): 11-15.
  • Shiotsugu J, Katsuyama Y, Arima K, Baxter A, Koide T Song J, Chandraratna RAS and Blumberg B (2004) Multiple points of interaction between retinoic acid and FGF signaling during embryonic axis formation. Development 131(11): 2653-2667.
  • Kim YS*, Song J*, Kim Y, Kim I, Kang I and Baek KH (2003) Functional and expression analyses of mgl-1, a mouse orthologue of lethal giant larvae recessive oncogene. International Journal of Oncology 23(6): 1515-1519. (*Co-first author)
  • Kim NK, Ahn JY, Song J, Kim JK, Ahn HJ, Han JH, Joo JY, Choi JU, Lee KS, Roy R and Oh D (2003) Expression of the DNA repair enzyme, N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase (MPG) in astrocytic tumors. Anticancer Research 23 (2B): 1417-23.
  • Song J (2002) Current trends of stem cell research using pluripotent stem cells. Experimental & Molecular Medicine 34 Suppl.: 7-21.
  • Jiang P, Song J, Gu G., Slonimsky E, Li E and Rosenthal N (2002) Targeted deletion of the MLC1f/3f downstream enhancer results in precocious muscle gene expression and mesoderm ablation. Developmental Biology 243: 281-293.
  • Ring C, Ogata S, Meek L, Song J, Ohta T, Miyazono K and Cho KW (2002) The role of a Williams-Beuren syndrome-associated helix-loop-helix domain-containing transcription factor in activin/nodal signaling. Genes & Development 16: 820-835.
  • Song J*, Oh SP*, Schrewe H*, Nomura M, Lei H, Okano M, Gridley T and Li E (1999) The type II activin receptors are essential for egg cylinder growth, gastrulation and rostral head development in mice. Developmental Biology 213: 157-169. (*Co-first author)
  • Gu Z, Reynolds EM, Song J, Lei H, Feijen A, Yu L, He W, MacLaughlin DT, van den Eijnden-van Raaij J, Donahoe PK and Li E (1999) The type I serine/threonine kinase receptor ActRIA (ALK2) is required for gastrulation of the mouse embryo. Development 126, 2551-2561.
  • Song J and Slack JMW (1996) XFGF-9: A new fibroblast growth factor from Xenopus embryos. Developmental Dynamics 206: 427-436.
  • Slack JMW, Isaacs HV, Song J, Durbin L and Pownell ME (1996) The role of fibroblast growth factors in early Xenopus development. Biochemical Society Symposium 62: 1-12.
  • Song J and Slack JMW (1994) Spatial and temporal expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) mRNA and protein in early Xenopus development. Mechanisms of Development 48: 141-151.
  • Song J, Sohn SH, Choe RS and Chung HM (1992) Effect on embryogenesis and ultrastructural behavior of l-DNA following microinjection into fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis. Korean Journal of Electron Microscopy 22: 66-74.


  • 헌팅턴병 환자에서 유래한 유도만능줄기세포를 이용하여 헌팅턴병 치료제를 스크리닝하는 방법 (Screening method for candidate drugs for Huntington’s disease using induced pluripotent stem cells derived from Huntington’s disease patients) 발명자: 송지환 (제 10-1535253 호)
  • 인간 유도만능줄기세포로부터 분화된 신경전구체를 포함하는 뇌졸중 치료용 약학적 조성물 (Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of stroke comprising neural precursor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells) 발명자: 송지환 (제 10-1516352 호)
  • NT 세포의 보관방법 및 뱅킹시스템 (A method for preserving of nuclear transfer cells and banking system thereof) 발명자: 이동율·차광렬·정영기·송지환·엄진희 (출원번호: 10-2016-0090711)