Kyungah Lee

Kyungah Lee Professor

전공Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology
연락처 031-881-7135


  • 연세대학교 생물학과 ( 이학사 )
  • 서울대학교 동물학과 (현 분자생물학과/ 이학석사/ 지도교수: 조완규)
  • 미국 일리노이대학교 생리학과 ( 이학석사 )
  • 미국 일리노이대학교 생리학과 ( 이학박사 / 지도교수: Janice Bahr)


  • 1985 – 1987 KAIST 유전공학센터 연구원
  • 1992 – 현재 차병원 여성의학연구소 분자생식생리학연구실 연구실장 겸직
  • 2002 – 현재 차 의과학대학교 의생명과학과 교수
  • 2011- 2013 차 의과학대학교 의생명과학과 학과장
  • 2012 – 2013 생명과학대학 학장

  • [대외활동]
  • 1995 – 현재 한국발생생물학회 이사
  • 2003 – 현재 한국동물학회 이사
  • 2004 한국발생생물학회 학술위원장
  • 2007 대한불임학회 국제교류협력위원장
  • 2007 – 2008 대한생식의학회 국제교류 협력위원장
  • 2009 대한생식의학회 감사
  • 2009 한국발생생물학회 부회장
  • 2011 – 현재 Associate Editor, Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
  • 2013 -2014 대한생식의학회 부회장
  • 2015-2016 대한생식의학회 감사



    여성의 난소에서 early folliculogenesis의 조절인자를 찾고 그 기능을 분석하여 궁극적으로는 원시난포의 성장과 발달에 관여하는 조절기전을 알아내는 것이며, 난자성숙에 관여하는 조절인자 및 그 loss-of-fuction 또는 gain-of-function 기능을 분석하여 난자성숙의 분자생물학적 기전을 밝히고 있음.

    [논문 (최근 5년간)]
  • Kim KH, Lee KA. Maternal effect genes: Findings and effects on mouse embryo development. Clinical Experiment in Reproductive Medicine 2014; 41(2): 47-61.
  • Kim EJ, Seok HH, Lee SY, Lee DR, Moon J, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Lee KA. Correlation between expression of glucose transporters in granulosa cells and oocyte quality in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2014; 29(1):40-7.
  • Lee SE, Lee SY, Lee KA. Rhox in mammalian reproduction and development. Clinical Experiment in Reproductive Medicine 2013; 40(3): 107-114.
  • Park MW, Lee HS, Kim EY, Lee KA. RNA polymerase II inhibitor, a-amanitin, affects gene expression for gap junctions and metabolic capabilities of cumulus cells, but not oocyte, during in vitro mouse oocyte maturation. Development and Reproduction 2013; 17(1): 63-72.
  • Park GT, Lee KA. Nuclear localization of Obox4 is dependent on its homeobox domain. Clinical Experiment in Reproductive Medicine 2013; 40(1): 1-6.
  • Kim KH, Lee SE, Lee KA. Expression of Gas6 receptors, Tyro3, Axl, and Mertk, in oocytes and embryos and effects of Mertk RNAi on the oocyte maturation. Development and Reproduction 2012; 16(3): 195-204.
  • Park GT, Seo YM, Lee SY, Lee KA. Lin28 regulates the expression of neuropeptide Y receptors and oocyte-specific homeobox genes in mouse embryonic stem cells. Clinical Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2012; 39(2):87-93.
  • Kim Y, Kim EY, Seo YM, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Lee KA. Function of the pentose phosphate pathway and its key enzyme, transketolase, in the regulation of the meiotic cell cycle in oocytes. Clinical Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2012; 39(2):58-67.
  • Kim HJ, Lee HS, Kim EY, Lee KA. Downstream networking of Zap70 in meiotic cell cycle of the mouse oocytes. Development and Reproduction 2012; 16(1): 59-67
  • Kim YS, Kim EY, Moon J, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Lee KA. Gene expression of IRF-1 in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex is negatively related with oocyte maturation. Clinical Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2011; 38(4):193-202.
  • Kim JH, Lee KA, Bae J. Bcl2l10 protein induces apoptosis in KGN-human granulosa cells. Development and Reproduction 2011, 15(2):113-120.
  • Lee HS, Kim EY, Lee KA. Changes in gene expression associated with oocyte meiosis after Obox4 RNAi. Clinical Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2011; 38(2):68-74.
  • Kim EA, Kim KH, Lee HS, Lee SY, Kim EY, Seo YM, Bae J, Lee KA. Downstream genes regulated by Bcl2l10 RNAi in the mouse oocytes. Development and Reproduction 2011; 15(1):61-69.
  • Seo YM, Lee KA. Current progress and prospects of reprogramming factors; stem cells vs. germ cells. Development and Reproduction 2010; 14(2):43-50.
  • ee SY, Kim EY, Kim KH, Lee KA. Bcl2l10, a new Tpx2 binding partner, is a master regulator of Aurora kinase A in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle, 2016;15(23):3296-3305, Editor’s pick on August, 2017 by Biomedical Advances

  • 국외
  • Kim KH, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Lee KA. Gas6 is a reciprocal regulator of mitophagy during mammalian oocyte maturation. Scientific Reports, June 28, 2019. Accepted
  • Ridzuan Jamaludin, Park Dae-Keun, Murizad Mohad Zain, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Koong MK, Lee KA. A Meta-Analysis: Stimulation protocol in poor responder IVF, minimal or high dose? Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation, June 30, 2019. Accepted
  • Kim KH, Lee SY, Lee KA. Title of Book: Zygotic Genome Activation: Methods and Protocols: Gene expression analysis in mammalian oocytes and embryos by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Methods in Molecular Biology [In press]
  • Lee Y, Kim KH, Yoon H, Lee OH, Kim E, Park M, Jang H, Hong K, Song H, Ko JJ, Lee WS, Lee KA, Chang EM*, Choi Y*. RASD1 Knockdown Results in Failure of Oocyte Maturation. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2016;40(6):1289-302.
  • Kim KH, Seo YM, Kim EY, Lee SY, Kwon J, Ko JJ*, Lee KA*. The miR-125 family is an important regulator of expression and maintenance of maternal effect genes during preimplantational embryo development. Open Biology 2016;6(11):160181.
  • Lee SY, Kim EY, Kim KH, Lee KA. Bcl2l10, a new Tpx2 binding partner, is a master regulator of Aurora kinase A in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle 2016;15(23):3296-305.
  • Kim KH, Park JH, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Park KS*, Lee KA*. The role of Rad51 in safeguarding mitochondrial activity during the meiotic cell cycle in mammalian oocytes. Scientific Reports 2016;6:34110.
  • Lee HS, Kim KH, Kim EY, Lee SY, Ko JJ, Lee KA. Obox4-silencing-activated STAT3 and MPF/MAPK signaling accelerate nuclear membrane breakdown in mouse oocytes. Reproduction 2016;151(4):369-78.
  • Park MW, Kim KH, Kim EY, Lee SY, Ko JJ*, Lee KA*. Associations among Sebox and other MEGs and its effects on early embryogenesis. PLoS One 2015;10(2):e0115050.
  • Lee SY, Lee HS, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Yoon TK, Lee WS, Lee KA. Thioredoxin-interacting protein regulates glucose metabolism and affects cytoplasmic streaming in mouse oocytes. PLoS One 2013;8(8):e70708.
  • Song SH, Jung W, Kim KL, Hong W, Kim HO, Lee KA, Lee KY, Suh W. Distinct transcriptional profiles of angioblasts derived from human embryonic stem cells. Experimental Cell Research 2013;319(8):1136-45.
  • Park KS, Cha Y, Kim CH, Ahn HJ, Kim D, Ko S, Kim KH, Chang MY, Ko JH, Noh YS, Han YM, Kim J, Song J, Kim JY, Tesar PJ, Lanza R, Lee KA, Kim KS. Transcription elongation factor Tcea3 regulates the pluripotent differentiation potential of mouse embryonic stem cells via the Lefty1-Nodal-Smad2 pathway. Stem Cells 2013;31(2):282-92.
  • Kim SH, Shim SH, Sung SR, Lee KA, Shim JY, Cha DH, Lee KJ. Gene expression analysis of the microdissected trophoblast layer of human placenta after the spontaneous onset of labor. PLoS One 2013;8(10):e77648.
  • Song SH, Kim KL, Lee KA, Suh W. Tie1 regulates the Tie2 agonistic role of angiopoietin-2 in human lymphatic endothelial cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2012;419:281-6.
  • Kim KH, Lee SY, Lee KA. Gene expression analysis in mammalian oocytes and embryos by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1605:45-62.
  • Kim HJ, Lee SY, Lee HS, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Lee KA. Zap70 and downstream RanBP2 are required for the exact timing of the meiotic cell cycle in oocytes. Cell Cycle, 2017;26:1-3
  • Kim KH, Lee SY, Lee KA. Title of Book: Zygotic Genome Activation: Methods and Protocols: Gene expression analysis in mammalian oocytes and embryos by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1605:45-62.
  • Kim HJ, Lee SY, Lee HS, Kim EY, Ko JJ, Lee KA. Zap70 and downstream RanBP2 are required for the exact timing of the meiotic cell cycle in oocytes. Cell Cycle, 2017; 16:1534-1546.
  • Kyeoung-Hwa Kim, Eun-Young Kim, Su-Yeon Lee, Jung-Jae Ko, Kyung-Ah Lee. Oocyte cytoplasmic Gas6 and heparan sulfate (HS) are required to establish the open chromatin state in nuclei during remodeling and reprogramming. Cell Physiol Biochem., Accepted
  • Hyemin Yoon, Hoon Jang, Eunyoung Kim, Sohyeon Moon, Sangho Lee, Minha Cho, Hye Jung Cho, Jung Jae Ko, Eun Mi Chang, Kyung-Ah Lee & Youngsok Choi, Knockdown of PRKAR2B results in the failure of oocyte maturation Cell Physiol Biochem., Accepted
