Jaeho Lee

Jaeho Lee Professor

전공Developmental Engineering, Stem Cell
연락처 02-2002-0406 jaeho@cha.ac.kr


  • 대구대학교 생물공학과 공학사
  • 건국대학교 미생물공학과 공학석사
  • 서울여자대학교 생명과학과 이학박사
  • 조지아의과대학 박사 후 연구원


  • 1995~1998 차병원 여성의학연구소 남성난임연구실
  • 1998~2000 분당재생병원 생식 및 유전학연구실 연구원
  • 2000~2002 미래와희망산부인과 난임연구실 연구실장
  • 2002~2004 MDplus 난임연구실 연구실장
  • 2000~2004 삼육대학교 동물자원학과 외래강사
  • 2010~2013 단국대학교 나노바이오의생명과학과 전임강사
  • 2013~2016 난양공과대학교 재료과학공학부 연구원
  • 현 차의과학대학교 의생명과학과 부교수

  • [수상]
  • 2016 스프링그 네이쳐 상
  • 2005 유럽난임학회 젊은 과학자상
  • 2005 남성난임과학회 travel grand 상
  • 2001 유럽난임학회 젊은 과학자상 후보



    • Wondong Yu, Yu Jin Kim, Min Jeong Cho, Gi Jin Kim1, Sun Ha Kim, Jung Jae Ko, Jae Ho Lee. MIT-001 Restores Homeostasis of TNF-α and IFN-γ-Exposed Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Enhancing Mitochondrial Quiescence and Cytoskeletal Organization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, 22(10), 5062
    • Yu Jin Kim, YoungJoon Park, Yeo Reum Park, Young Sang Kim, Hye Ran Lee, Sang Jin Lee, Myung Joo Kim*, KyuBum Kwack*, Jung Jae Ko*, Jae Ho Lee*. Role of RGMc as a neogenin ligand in follicular development in the ovary. Biomedicines, 2021, 9, 280.
    • Wondong Yu, Yu Jin Kim, Min Jeong Cho, Jin Seok, Gi Jin Kim, Chang-Han Lee, Jung Jae Ko*, You Shin Kim*, Jae Ho Lee*. The mitochondrial-derived peptide MOTS-c restores homeostasis in aged human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Mitochondrion, 2021 Feb 24; 58:135-146. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2021.02.010
    • Won-Yong Jeon, Seyoung Mun, Wei Beng Ng, Keunsoo Kang, Kyudong Han, Sohyun Hwang, Hyug-Han Kim, and Jae Ho Lee. Modulation of human mesenchymal stem cells by electrical stimulation using an enzymatic biofuel cell. Catalysts, 2021, 11(1), 62
    • Young Sang Kim, Yu Jin Kim, Myung Joo Kim, Sang Jin Lee, Hwang Kwon, Jae Ho Lee. Novel Medicine for Endometriosis and Its therapeutic effect in a mouse model, Biomedicines, 2020 Dec 16;8(12):619.
    • Won Sik Jang, Ki Hong Kim, Kyoung Taek Lim, Jongsoo Lee, Ju Eun Heo, Hyojeong Kwon, Hyoeun Kang, Jae Ho Lee, Seung-Ah Choe, Dae Kun Kim. ”External validation of the post-varicocele repair semen analysis nomogram to predict total motile sperm count: a multicenter study. Andrologia. 2020 Dec;52(11):e13809.
    • Tai Eun Shin, Jin Woo Park, Won-Yong Jeon, Eun Ji Lee, Hyojeong Kwon, Boyoung Jeon, Hyo Eun Kang, Myung Joo Kim, Dae Keun Kim, Hyug-Han Kim, Jung Jae Ko, and Jae Ho Lee. Motility enhancement of human spermatozoa using electrical stimulation in the nano-Ampere range with enzymatic biofuel cells. PLoS One. 2020 Feb 20;15(2): e0228097
    • Myung Joo Kim, Kyoung Hee Choi, Dong Woo Seo, Hye Ran Lee, Hyun Seok Kong, Chan Hee Lee, Woo Sik Lee, Hoon Taek Lee, Jung Jae Ko, Ji Hyang Kim, Sang Jin Lee, Jae Ho Lee. Association between functional activity of mitochondria and actin cytoskeleton instability in oocytes from advanced age mice. Reproductive Sciences. 2020 Apr;27(4):1037-1046
    • Divakarla SK, Yamaguchi S, Kokubo T, Han DW, Lee JH, Chrzanowski W. Improved bioactivity of GUMMETAL®, Ti59Nb36Ta2Zr3O0.3, via formation of nanostructured surfaces. J Tissue Eng. 2018 May 15;9:2041731418774178. doi: 10.1177/2041731418774178. eCollection 2018 Jan-Dec.
    • Namgue Hong, Mi-Hye Kim, Churl K. Min, Hee Jung Kim, Jae Ho Lee. The co-expression of Neogenin with SOX2 in hippocampal neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2017. August 19. 490(2), 453–459.
    • Soon-Jung Park, Ki-Hoon Kim, Won-Yong Jeon, Joseph Seo, Jung-Min Han, Jong-Soo Kim, Hyung-Min Chung, Jae Ho Lee*, Sung-Hwan Moon, Hyug-Han Kim. Enzyme catalyzed electrostimulation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes influence contractility and synchronization. Biochemical Engineering Journal. Doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2017.03.013. 123 (2017) 95–109 *corresponding author
    • Lee BH, Shirahama H, Kim MH, Lee JH, Cho NJ, Tan LP Colloidal templating of highly ordered gelatin methacryloyl-based hydrogel platforms for three-dimensional tissue Analogues. NPG Asia Materials. 2017. Feb.